Adopt a Farmer
Help the families who help us with food:

Adopt a farmer is a cause by SSGM that enables people to reach out and help the farmers without interference of any middlemen.
If we need food, we go to the market and purchase it. Easy for us but we don’t realise its a months of hard work of a farmer and his family. Even after working hard on fields for months, there are lakhs of farmers in our country who faces lots of hurdles.
As per Wikipedia, more than 10,000 farmers committed suicide in 2018. That means at least 25 farmers died everyday.
Farmers in India works with their blood and sweat to grow food and their own families don’t get to eat.
Farmers are forced to take loans that they cannot pay and hence they are so much torchered that ends their life. It is really painful because they’re the backbone of the nation and we shall
support them in any manner.
Our cause ‘Adopt a Farmer’ is transparent and made to make farmer’s lives better. It involves no middlemen and a direct transfer of funds to the farmer. We urge every reader to donate to the farmers as much as possible.