Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment

SSGM believes truly that empowering women can empower nation. Hence we support the
cause of ‘Donate to Women Empowerment’.
Economically backward Women from remote villages and places in the state of Andhra Pradesh
seeks a career to support themselves and their family. But sadly, the skills required to support
and lead a better life itself needs investment.
Poor women and teen girls are lessened with the options to choose career and most of them
end up becoming either a housemaid or a daily wage earner.
We at SSGM tries to fill the bridge by becoming skills provider to these women. We have
conducted a brief survey and based on which we have decided the vocational courses to
implants right skills into the women that can fetch them a glorified life.
Here are the various skills development programs that one can support under the cause, ‘Donate to Women Empowerment’:
●Tailoring (Sewing Machines)
●Embroidery (Machine & Material )
These professions fetch a better and respectable life and that’s what our goal is. We seek
donations from readers to organise the skill development programs and also distribute the
equipment used into it.
For example after the tailoring course is done, we provide, sewing machines. After the
beautician course, we provide materials and tools for the same.